A Concise Way to Set the Remote for a Branch without Having to Type the Branch Name
Image by Eda - hkhazo.biz.id

A Concise Way to Set the Remote for a Branch without Having to Type the Branch Name

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Are you tired of typing the same branch name over and over again when setting up a remote repository in Git? Do you find yourself wasting precious time and productivity due to this repetitive task? Well, fear not! In this article, we’ll show you a concise way to set the remote for a branch without having to type the branch name.

Understanding the Problem

When working with Git, it’s common to have multiple branches in your repository, each with its own unique name. When you want to set up a remote repository for one of these branches, you typically need to specify the branch name in the command. For example:

git remote add origin https://github.com/username/repository.git -b branch-name

This command adds a remote repository named “origin” and sets the default branch to “branch-name”. However, typing the branch name every time can be tedious and prone to errors.

The Solution

Luckily, there’s a concise way to set the remote for a branch without having to type the branch name. You can use the `–set-upstream` option with the `git branch` command to achieve this. Here’s how:

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/branch-name

Replace `branch-name` with the actual name of your branch. This command sets the upstream tracking information for the current branch to the specified remote branch.

Breaking Down the Command

To understand how this command works, let’s break it down into its components:

  • git branch: This command is used to create, list, or manipulate branches.
  • --set-upstream-to: This option is used to set the upstream tracking information for the current branch.
  • =origin/branch-name: This specifies the remote branch to track. The `origin/` part refers to the remote repository, and `branch-name` is the actual name of the branch.

Advantages of Using –set-upstream-to

Using the `–set-upstream-to` option provides several advantages over typing the branch name manually:

  1. Convenience: You don’t need to type the branch name every time you want to set up a remote repository.
  2. Faster Development: With this command, you can quickly set up a remote repository and start collaborating with your team.
  3. Reduced Errors: By using the `–set-upstream-to` option, you reduce the risk of typos and errors when typing the branch name.

Common Scenarios

Here are some common scenarios where you can use the `–set-upstream-to` option:

Scenario Command
Setting up a new remote repository for a feature branch git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/feature/new-login-system
Tracking a remote branch for a hotfix git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/hotfix/fix-login-bug
Setting up a remote repository for a release branch git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/release/v1.2.3

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to keep in mind when using the `–set-upstream-to` option:

  • Use Tab Completion: Most Git command-line interfaces support tab completion. Press the Tab key after typing the `–set-upstream-to` option to auto-complete the remote branch name.
  • Verify the Remote Branch: Before running the command, verify that the remote branch exists by running git remote show origin.
  • Use Git Aliases: Create a Git alias to simplify the command. For example, you can create an alias called `gb` that runs the `git branch –set-upstream-to` command.


In conclusion, using the `–set-upstream-to` option with the `git branch` command is a concise way to set the remote for a branch without having to type the branch name. This approach saves you time, reduces errors, and improves your overall Git workflow. By following the instructions in this article, you’ll be able to set up remote repositories with ease and focus on what matters most – writing code!

Remember, the next time you need to set up a remote repository, use the `–set-upstream-to` option and take advantage of its convenience and flexibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about setting your remote branch without typing the branch name? We’ve got you covered!

What is the shortest way to set a remote branch without typing the entire branch name?

You can use the `git remote set-head` command followed by the first few characters of the branch name. Git will auto-complete the rest for you!

Can I use tab completion to set my remote branch?

Absolutely! Just type `git remote set-head ` and then press the tab key. Git will suggest the complete branch name for you!

What if I have multiple branches with similar names?

In that case, you can use the `git branch –list` command to get a list of all your branches. Then, you can use the first few characters of the branch name you want and press tab for auto-completion.

Is there a way to set the remote branch without using the command line?

Yes, you can use a Git GUI client like Git Kraken or SmartGit to set your remote branch. These clients often provide an auto-complete feature for branch names.

What if I’m using an older version of Git that doesn’t support auto-completion?

No worries! You can still use the `git branch` command to get a list of all your branches, and then manually type the correct branch name.